Student Loan Protection

Invest in protection that can help pay your student loan debt.
Your diploma may come with high student loan debt. The effects of a disability early on in your career—when student loan balances are at their highest—could have long-lasting consequences. Unlike other kinds of debt, under current law, federal student loan debt cannot be discharged during bankruptcy. So it makes sense to safeguard your ability to continue loan payments during a period of disability.
Discounted Income Protection Plans
Our individual plans provide coverage in the event you’re too sick or injured to work or to care for your family. Own and keep your policy, even if you change jobs.
It’s hard enough to pay off student loans, especially in the early years when payments may be high, and income is typically low. Adding a Student Loan Repayment Rider to your disability policy provides extra coverage to ensure you can meet your debt payments in the event you become disabled. A monthly benefit of up to $2,500 can cover up to three separate loans and can last anywhere from 5-15 years.
To learn more about the Student Loan Rider and other opportunities to customize your Income Protection, schedule a no-obligation consultation today.